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INRAE, Ingénieur de Recherche
cyril.bauland@inrae.fr — 01 69 33 22 49</br>06 76 12 05 42
Génétique Quantitative et Méthodologie de la Sélection
- Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
- Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech
- 12 route 128
- 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Academic career
1992 - Engineer for Agriculture (ESITPA)
Research interests, accomplishment and expertise
Managment of maize winter nurseries for INRA and several coloborative projects involving private partners companies and providers.
Scientific expert for the Technical Committee for Plant Breeding (CTPS) for the maize cultivar registration on the french Catalogue (DUS Distinction, Homogeneity, Stabiity and VCUS Value for Cultivation, Use and Sustainability). DUS Expert for Community Plant Variety Office (CPOV).
Genetic diversity of maize and its implication in the XXth century breeding of maize cultivars in Europe. Applications of markers assisted selection. Pedigree and recurrent selections. Management of the release of RILS, NILs, LD panels populations. In field phenotyping, management of incomplete replication designs for the large populations evaluations. Characterization of the G*E interaction by probe genotypes in multi-environment experiments.
The coordination of the development of maize populations for genetic researches of the maize INRA teams or the European projects they are involved implies large scale experimental facilities ( INRA or partners locations in France, plus German and Spanish partners) and nurseries including the INRA southwestern station Saint Martin de Hinx particularly suited to the maintenance of materials of all maturities of interest in Europe, and winter nurseries facilities (Chile and Uruguay).
Main responsibilities
- 2016-2020: Operating manager of the “Genetic Ressources Valorisation” ProMaïs project
- 2016-2019: Task Manager of maize new material development coordination for the French federal project AMAIZING
- 2015-2019: Operating manager of the “Markers Assisted Selection” phase 2 ProMaïs project
- 2011-2019: Task Manager of maize trials network for the French federal project AMAIZING
- 2010-2014: Operating manager of the “Markers Assisted Selection” ProMaïs project
- 2009-2011: Coordinator for “CornFed” KBBE project of the release of populations (NILs, LD panels) - Coordinator for “CornFed” KBBE project of the European phenotyping trials network
- 2008-2012: Coordinator for “Diversité Zea” ProMaïs project of the release of populations (NILs, LD panels)
- 2005- : Coordinator of Maize populations release for INRA research (RILs, NILs, LD panels)
- 2002-2007: Manager of the “Piedmont Pyrénéen” ProMaïs project
- 2002-2015: Coordinator of elite inbred Maize breeding programs for INRA
- 1997-2015: Coordinator of INRA Maize phenotyping trials network - Early Maize Breeder for INRA - Coordinator of INRA Maize breeding program
- 1994-1997: Maize population recurrent selection Breeder for INRA
- 1993-1994: Sunflower assistant phytopathologist Breeder for Rustica semences (present Euralis)
Involvment in Master 2 teaching
“Amélioration génétique et sélection variétales”, course in two universities:
- M2 “Production des Agro-ressources et Développement Durable”, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
- M2 “Productions Végétales et Industries Agro-Alimentaires”, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne (Amiens)
- Balconi C., Galaretto A., Malvar RA., Nicolas SD., Redaelli R., Andjelkovic V., Revilla P., Bauland C. , Gouesnard B., Butron A., Torri A., Barata AM., Kravic N., Combes V., Mendes-Moreira P., Murariu D., Šarčević H., Schierscher-Viret B., Vincent M., Zanetto A., Kessel B., Madur D., Mary-Huard T., Pereira A., Placinta DD., Strigens A., Charcosset A., Goritschnig S.. (2024) Genetic and Phenotypic Evaluation of European Maize Landraces as a Tool for Conservation and Valorization of Agrobiodiversity. Biology, 6 (13) 454
- Lorenzi A., Bauland C. , Pin S., Madur D., Combes V., Palaffre C., Guillaume C., Touzy G., Mary-Huard T., Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2024) Portability of genomic predictions trained on sparse factorial designs across two maize silage breeding cycles. Theor Appl Genet, 3 (137) 75
- Revillon S., Dillmann C., Galic N., Bauland C. , Palaffre C., Malvar RA., Butron A., Rebaudo F., Legrand J., Stout M.. (2024) Effects of maize development and phenology on the field infestation dynamics of the European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, toae171
- Arca M., Gouesnard B., Mary‐Huard T., Le Paslier MC., Bauland C. , Combes V., Madur D., Charcosset A., Nicolas SD.. (2023) Genotyping of DNA pools identifies untapped landraces and genomic regions to develop next‐generation varieties. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 6 (21) 1123-1139
- Rishmawi L., Bauget F., Protto V., Bauland C. , Nacry P., Maurel C.. (2023) Natural variation of maize root hydraulic architecture underlies highly diverse water uptake capacities. Plant Physiology, 3 (192) 2404-2418
- Lorenzi A., Bauland C. , Mary-Huard T., Pin S., Palaffre C., Guillaume C., Lehermeier C., Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2022) Genomic prediction of hybrid performance: comparison of the efficiency of factorial and tester designs used as training sets in a multiparental connected reciprocal design for maize silage. Theor Appl Genet,
- Arca M., Mary-Huard T., Gouesnard B., Bérard A., Bauland C. , Combes V., Madur D., Charcosset A., Nicolas SD.. (2021) Deciphering the Genetic Diversity of Landraces With High-Throughput SNP Genotyping of DNA Bulks: Methodology and Application to the Maize 50k Array. Front. Plant Sci., (11) 568699
- Arca M., Gouesnard B., Mary-Huard T., Le Paslier MC., Bauland C. , Combes V., Madur D., Charcosset A., Nicolas SD.. (2020) Genome-wide SNP genotyping of DNA pools identifies untapped landraces and genomic regions that could enrich the maize breeding pool. DOI.org (Crossref),
- Rio S., Mary-Huard T., Moreau L., Bauland C. , Palaffre C., Madur D., Combes V., Charcosset A., Springer NM.. (2020) Disentangling group specific QTL allele effects from genetic background epistasis using admixed individuals in GWAS: An application to maize flowering. PLoS Genet, 3 (16) e1008241
- Seye AI., Bauland C. , Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2020) Revisiting hybrid breeding designs using genomic predictions: simulations highlight the superiority of incomplete factorials between segregating families over topcross designs. Theor Appl Genet, 6 (133) 1995-2010
- Negro SS., Millet EJ., Madur D., Bauland C. , Combes V., Welcker C., Tardieu F., Charcosset A., Nicolas SD.. (2019) Genotyping-by-sequencing and SNP-arrays are complementary for detecting quantitative trait loci by tagging different haplotypes in association studies. BMC Plant Biol., 1 (19) 318
- Seye AI., Bauland C. , Giraud H., Mechin V., Reymond M., Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2019) Quantitative trait loci mapping in hybrids between Dent and Flint maize multiparental populations reveals group-specific QTL for silage quality traits with variable pleiotropic effects on yield. Theor Appl Genet, 5 (132) 1523-1542
- Virlouvet L., El Hage F., Griveau Y., Jacquemot MP., Gineau E., Baldy A., Legay S., Horlow C., Combes V., Bauland C. , Palafre C., Falque M., Moreau L., Coursol S., Méchin V., Reymond M.. (2019) Water Deficit-Responsive QTLs for Cell Wall Degradability and Composition in Maize at Silage Stage. Front. Plant Sci., (10) 488
- Baldy A., Jacquemot MP., Griveau Y., Bauland C. , Reymond M., Mechin V.. (2017) Energy Values of Registered Corn Forage Hybrids in France over the Last 20 Years Rose in a Context of Maintained Yield Increase. American Journal of Plant Sciences, (08) 1449
- Giraud H., Bauland C. , Falque M., Madur D., Combes V., Jamin P., Monteil C., Laborde J., Palaffre C., Gaillard A., Blanchard P., Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2017) Linkage Analysis and Association Mapping QTL Detection Models for Hybrids Between Multiparental Populations from Two Heterotic Groups: Application to Biomass Production in Maize (Zea mays L.). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, g3.300121.2017
- Giraud H., Bauland C. , Falque M., Madur D., Combes V., Jamin P., Monteil C., Laborde J., Palaffre C., Gaillard A., Blanchard P., Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2017) Reciprocal Genetics: Identifying QTL for General and Specific Combining Abilities in Hybrids Between Multiparental Populations from Two Maize (Zea mays L.) Heterotic Groups. Genetics, 3 (207) 1167-1180
- Gouesnard B., Negro S., Laffray A., Glaubitz J., Melchinger A., Revilla P., Moreno-Gonzalez J., Madur D., Combes V., Tollon-Cordet C., Laborde J., Kermarrec D., Bauland C. , Moreau L., Charcosset A., Nicolas S.. (2017) Genotyping-by-sequencing highlights original diversity patterns within a European collection of 1191 maize flint lines, as compared to the maize USDA genebank. Theor Appl Genet, 10 (130) 2165-2189
- Larièpe A., Moreau L., Laborde J., Bauland C. , Mezmouk S., Décousset L., Mary-Huard T., Fiévet JB., Gallais A., Dubreuil P., Charcosset A.. (2017) General and specific combining abilities in a maize (Zea mays L.) test-cross hybrid panel: relative importance of population structure and genetic divergence between parents. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2 (130) 403-417
- Giraud H., Lehermeier C., Bauer E., Falque M., Segura V., Bauland C. , Camisan C., Campo L., Meyer N., Ranc N., Schipprack W., Flament P., Melchinger AE., Menz M., Moreno-Gonzalez J., Ouzunova M., Charcosset A., Schon CC., Moreau L.. (2014) Linkage disequilibrium with linkage analysis of multiline crosses reveals different multiallelic QTL for hybrid performance in the flint and dent heterotic groups of maize. Genetics, 4 (198) 1717-34
- Lehermeier C., Kramer N., Bauer E., Bauland C. , Camisan C., Campo L., Flament P., Melchinger AE., Menz M., Meyer N., Moreau L., Moreno-Gonzalez J., Ouzunova M., Pausch H., Ranc N., Schipprack W., Schonleben M., Walter H., Charcosset A., Schon CC.. (2014) Usefulness of multiparental populations of maize (Zea mays L.) for genome-based prediction. Genetics, 1 (198) 3-16
- Rincent R., Nicolas S., Bouchet S., Altmann T., Brunel D., Revilla P., Malvar RA., Moreno-Gonzalez J., Campo L., Melchinger AE., Schipprack W., Bauer E., Schoen CC., Meyer N., Ouzunova M., Dubreuil P., Giauffret C., Madur D., Combes V., Dumas F., Bauland C. , Jamin P., Laborde J., Flament P., Moreau L., Charcosset A.. (2014) Dent and Flint maize diversity panels reveal important genetic potential for increasing biomass production. Theor Appl Genet, 11 (127) 2313-31
- Bauer E., Falque M., Walter H., Bauland C. , Camisan C., Campo L., Meyer N., Ranc N., Rincent R., Schipprack W., Altmann T., Flament P., Melchinger AE., Menz M., Moreno-Gonzalez J., Ouzunova M., Revilla P., Charcosset A., Martin OC., Schon CC.. (2013) Intraspecific variation of recombination rate in maize. Genome biology, 9 (14) R103
- Rincent R., Laloe D., Nicolas S., Altmann T., Brunel D., Revilla P., Rodriguez VM., Moreno-Gonzalez J., Melchinger A., Bauer E., Schoen CC., Meyer N., Giauffret C., Bauland C. , Jamin P., Laborde J., Monod H., Flament P., Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2012) Maximizing the reliability of genomic selection by optimizing the calibration set of reference individuals: comparison of methods in two diverse groups of maize inbreds (Zea mays L.). Genetics, 2 (192) 715-28