Soutenance de thèse

 Antoine ALLIER

  -  12:00:00
 GQE-Le Moulon

Contributions to genetic diversity management in maize breeding programs using genomic selection

Soutenance de thèse de doctorat de l’Université Paris-Saclay

Lundi 20 janvier 2020 à 14h00

Salle de conférences de l’UMR - Ferme du Moulon, Gif-sur-Yvette

Antoine ALLIER

École doctorale ABIES

Contributions to genetic diversity management in maize breeding programs using genomic selection

Devant un jury composé de :

  • Christine Dillmann - Professeure, Univ. Paris-Sud (GQE-Le Moulon, Gif-sur-Yvette) - Présidente
  • Jean-Christophe Glaszmann - Directeur de recherche, CIRAD (AGAP, Montpellier) - Rapporteur
  • Gregor Gorjanc - Associate prof., Roslin Institute (Highlander Lab, Edinburgh) - Rapporteur
  • Leopoldo Sanchez-Rodriguez - Directeur de recherche, INRA (GA2, Orléans) - Examinateur
  • Gwendal Restoux - Chargé de recherche, INRA (GABY, Jouy-en-Josas) - Invité
  • Hélène Pascal - Sélectionneur maïs, RAGT2n (Rodez) - Invitée
  • Alain Charcosset - Directeur de recherche, INRA (GQE-Le Moulon, Gif-sur-Yvette) - Directeur de thèse
  • Christina Lehermeier -Responsable Statistical Genetics Unit, RAGT2n (Rodez) - Co-encadrante


Modern breeding has been successful in converting genetic diversity into crop quantity and quality improvement. However, modern intensive breeding practices have exploited a very limited fraction of the available genetic diversity. The narrow genetic base of elite germplasm compromises long-term improvement and increases the genetic vulnerability to unpredictable environmental conditions. Successful breeding programs rely on balanced efforts between short-term development of competitive cultivars and the maintenance of diversity to guarantee long-term progress. This thesis contributes to methodologies supporting competitive and sustainable breeding. This involves the development of indicators of the diversity and potential response to selection of breeding populations. This also involves the optimal selection of parental crosses that efficiently convert intrinsic diversity into genetic gain and the identification, improvement and incorporation of extrinsic variation into elite pools.

La soutenance sera suivie d’un pot auquel vous êtes tous cordialement invités.