Genetics, Epigenetics and Evolution of Floral Morphogenesis

  • Genetic
  • Protein/Protein/DNA Interactions
  • Plant biology
  • Evolution

 Université Paris-Saclay, MCF —   01 69 15 34 11

 Génétique, Évolution et Écologie de la Morphologie Florale

Implication de Natalia Conde e Silva dans axe1 60% axe1 Comprendre et éclairer les mécanismes de l'évolution Axe1 Implication de Natalia Conde e Silva dans axe2 20% axe2 Comprendre et prédire les bases génétiques des interactions Axe2 Implication de Natalia Conde e Silva dans axe3 20% axe3 Comprendre et mobiliser la diversitée cultivée pour répondre aux attentes des acteurs Axe3

  • Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
  • Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech
  • 12 route 128
  • 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

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Position and Education

  • 2015- : Associate Professor, UMR “Génétique Quantitative et Evolution – Le Moulon” (Université Paris Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France).
  • 2009-2015: Associate Professor, UMR “Institut de Biologie des Plantes” (Université Paris Sud, Gif-sur-Yvette, France).
  • 2007-2009: ATER, Institut Jacques Monod (Université Paris-Diderot, Paris, France).
  • 2007: PhD at Ecole doctorale “Inter///Bio” (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France).

Biography and Research interests

figure projet
My research themes have in common the study of gene regulations, with a particular interest in protein/protein/DNA interactions (nucleosome dynamics, transcription factor complexes characterizations). During my thesis, under the supervision of Ariel Prunell (Institut Monod, Paris), the aim of my first research was to characterize, using in vitro approaches, the dynamics of the centromeric nucleosome and I was able to show their entry–exit DNAs are more labile than in a canonical nucleosome. Moreover, in collaboration with Aurélien Bancaud and Jean-Louis Viovy (Institut Curie, Paris) I participated in the characterization of the dynamics of nucleosome fibers using magnetic tweezers. During my ATER fellowship, I focused on the characterization of a transcription factor involved in the iron homeostasis regulation in the yeast K. lactis (Pierre-Louis Blaiseau, Institut Monod, Paris). I was able to precisely establish the recognized nucleotide sequence and show that the evolution of this sequence is dependent on a non-conserved protein sequence of this transcription factor family. When I was recruited in 2009, my project concerned the study of a histone demethylases family and more generally of epigenetic modifications in Arabidopsis thaliana (Dao Zhou, IPB, France). Since 2015, I joined the UMR GQE - Le Moulon where I seek to understand the molecular bases of the floral morphogenesis evolution, studies carried out in the basal eudicot Nigella damascena. The main objective is to define the gene regulatory network involved in the development of the flower and in particular that of the petal, an organ of major interest in the attraction of pollinators.

Research communities and Societies

Teaching Activities

  • Licence (Undergraduate): L2SDV : Biochimie (EN11048) ; Physiologie végétale (EN11053) ; L3SEM : Sciences et Jeunesse (DLSC304A) ; L3BS : Biochimie structurale et fonctionnelle (EN11096) ; L3BOE : Germination: de l’Organisme à la Molécule (EN11137) , TP de Biologie Moléculaire et Biochimie (EN11138) , Écophysiologie végétale (EN11135)
  • Licence Double Diplôme : LDD1-MSV: Méthodologie (EN9715) ; LDD3-MSV/CSV Compléments en biologie moléculaire et biochimie (EN10768)
  • Master (Graduate) : M1BIP : Adopte un gène (EN3612)

Research management

  • 2020- : elected member to the scientific council of IDEEV
  • 2020- : external member to the CSS “Biologie Intégrative des Plantes” (INRAE)


  • Becker A., Bachelier JB., Carrive L., Conde e Silva N. , Damerval C., Del Rio C., Deveaux Y., Di Stilio VS., Gong Y., Jabbour F., Kramer EM., Nadot S., Pabón-Mora N., Wang W., RanOmics group. (2023) A cornucopia of diversity - Ranunculales as a model lineage. J Exp Bot, erad492
  • Conde e Silva N. , Leguilloux M., Bellec A., Rodde N., Aubert J., Manicacci D., Damerval C., Berges H., Deveaux Y.. (2023) A MITE insertion abolishes the AP3-3 self-maintenance regulatory loop in apetalous flowers of Nigella damascena. Journal of Experimental Botany, 5 (74) 1448-1459
  • Damerval C., Claudot C., Le Guilloux M., Conde e Silva N. , Brunaud V., Soubigou-Taconnat L., Caius J., Delannoy E., Nadot S., Jabbour F., Deveaux Y.. (2022) Evolutionary analyses and expression patterns of TCP genes in Ranunculales. Front Plant Sci, (13) 1055196
  • Deveaux Y., Conde e Silva N. , Manicacci D., Le Guilloux M., Brunaud V., Belcram H., Joets J., Soubigou-Taconnat L., Delannoy E., Corti H., Balzergue S., Caius J., Nadot S., Damerval C.. (2021) Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Putative Target Genes of APETALA3-3 During Early Floral Development in Nigella damascena L.. Front. Plant Sci., (12) 660803
  • Jabbour F., Pasquier PED., Chazalviel L., Guilloux ML., Conde e Silva N. , Deveaux Y., Manicacci D., Galipot P., Heiss AG., Damerval C.. (2021) Evolution of the distribution area of the Mediterranean Nigella damascena and a likely multiple molecular origin of its perianth dimorphism. Flora, (274) 151735
  • Damerval C., Citerne H., Conde e Silva N. , Deveaux Y., Delannoy E., Joets J., Simonnet F., Staedler Y., Schönenberger J., Yansouni J., Le Guilloux M., Sauquet H., Nadot S.. (2019) Unraveling the Developmental and Genetic Mechanisms Underpinning Floral Architecture in Proteaceae. Front Plant Sci, (10) 18
  • Denis E., Kbiri N., Mary V., Claisse G., Conde e Silva N. , Kreis M., Deveaux Y.. (2017) WOX14 promotes bioactive gibberellin synthesis and vascular cell differentiation in Arabidopsis. Plant J., 3 (90) 560-572