Genetics, Epigenetics and Evolution of Floral Morphogenesis
- Development
- Evolution
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Plant Biology
Université Paris-Saclay, Responsable d'équipe, MCF-HDR
yves.deveaux@universite-paris-saclay.fr — 01 69 15 33 96
Génétique, Évolution et Écologie de la Morphologie Florale
- Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
- Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech
- 12 route 128
- 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Position and Education
- 2022: Group leader (PI), GE2MorF Génétique, Épigénétique et Évolution de la Morphogenèse Florale (Genetics, Epigenetics and Evolution of Floral Morphogenesis)
- 2021: Elected member of the Graduate School MERS (Careers in Research and Higher Education), Université Paris-Saclay.
- 2019-2022: Communicating Editors of the journal “Development Genes and Evolution”, group Springer.
- 2015: Associate Professor, Université Paris Saclay, France.
- 2004-2015: Associate Professor, Université Paris Sud, France.
- 2002-2004: Postdoctoral researcher, UMR Génomique Végétale INRA-CNRS, Génopole Evry, France.
- 1999-2002 : Postdoctoral researcher, University of Cambridge, Institute of Biotechnology, UK.
- 1999: PhD in Plant Biology-Molecular Biology, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France.
Research communities and Societies
- RanOmics
- LabEx SPS (Sciences des Plantes de Saclay)
- GE2MorF is attached to the to SEVE doctoral school.
Biography and Research interests
I have always been passionate about the biology of plant development, particularly the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying its plasticity and adaptation. My first research work took place during my PhD that I did at CEA of Cadarache, France. The aim of this completely new project was to study the radio sensitivity of plants, and more specifically to understand the molecular mechanisms of response to gamma radiation. I then did a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Cambridge, UK, in James A. H. Murray’s lab, to better understand the function of genes involved in the control of meristem identity and cell proliferation in collaboration with the groups of Dr John Doonan of the John Innes Center, UK and Patrick Laufs, IJPB, INRA Versailles. Then I moved to the Genopole center in the UMRGV, INRA lab of Evry to strengthen my skills in bioinformatics and epigenetics.
In 2004, I was recruited as an assistant professor (MCF) in the team of Professor Martin Kreis (Université Paris-Sud, France) to develop a topic on the characterization of structural and functional determinants of genes of the WOX family (WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX).
I joined the GQE-Le Moulon lab in 2015 to be part of a new team (GE2MorF) that aims to understand the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of the evolution of floral morphogenesis in Nigella damascena, a basal eudicot. Since March 2022, I have led the group to focus on the evolution of the Petal Gene Regulatory Network in Ranunculaceae. We also investigate the gender Nigella, a well-adapted plant for heat and water stress, as an attractive plant for pollinators to improve crop production in the context of global warming.
Teaching Activities
- Master (Graduate): D5BS057 – Genomics and Crop improvement; D4BS406 – Developmental biology: from gene to plant; D4BS516 - Current question in Evolution; D4BS408 – # internship mentoring
- Licence (Undergraduate): DLSV325 - From Genome Exploration to the Function of Macromolecules (Co-Head); EN11053 – Plant physiology; EN11138 & EN10768 – Practical course in molecular biology and biochemistry, EN11055 – Cell biology and development; EN11108-BS – Development
- Becker A., Bachelier JB., Carrive L., Conde E Silva N., Damerval C., Del Rio C., Deveaux Y. , Di Stilio VS., Gong Y., Jabbour F., Kramer EM., Nadot S., Pabón-Mora N., Wang W., RanOmics group. (2023) A cornucopia of diversity - Ranunculales as a model lineage. J Exp Bot, erad492
- Conde E Silva N., Leguilloux M., Bellec A., Rodde N., Aubert J., Manicacci D., Damerval C., Berges H., Deveaux Y. . (2023) A MITE insertion abolishes the AP3-3 self-maintenance regulatory loop in apetalous flowers of Nigella damascena. Journal of Experimental Botany, 5 (74) 1448-1459
- Damerval C., Claudot C., Le Guilloux M., Conde E Silva N., Brunaud V., Soubigou-Taconnat L., Caius J., Delannoy E., Nadot S., Jabbour F., Deveaux Y. . (2022) Evolutionary analyses and expression patterns of TCP genes in Ranunculales. Front Plant Sci, (13) 1055196
- Deveaux Y. , Conde e Silva N., Manicacci D., Le Guilloux M., Brunaud V., Belcram H., Joets J., Soubigou-Taconnat L., Delannoy E., Corti H., Balzergue S., Caius J., Nadot S., Damerval C.. (2021) Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Putative Target Genes of APETALA3-3 During Early Floral Development in Nigella damascena L.. Front. Plant Sci., (12) 660803
- Jabbour F., Pasquier PED., Chazalviel L., Guilloux ML., Conde e Silva N., Deveaux Y. , Manicacci D., Galipot P., Heiss AG., Damerval C.. (2021) Evolution of the distribution area of the Mediterranean Nigella damascena and a likely multiple molecular origin of its perianth dimorphism. Flora, (274) 151735
- Damerval C., Citerne H., Conde E Silva N., Deveaux Y. , Delannoy E., Joets J., Simonnet F., Staedler Y., Schönenberger J., Yansouni J., Le Guilloux M., Sauquet H., Nadot S.. (2019) Unraveling the Developmental and Genetic Mechanisms Underpinning Floral Architecture in Proteaceae. Front Plant Sci, (10) 18
- Denis E., Kbiri N., Mary V., Claisse G., Conde E Silva N., Kreis M., Deveaux Y. . (2017) WOX14 promotes bioactive gibberellin synthesis and vascular cell differentiation in Arabidopsis. Plant J., 3 (90) 560-572