27 novembre 2023 Séminaires SémIDEEV 22 avril 2022 12:00:00History of hybrid maize: concepts and practical lessonsHybrid breeding was conceptualized originally for maize by Shull in 1908 as an extension of the isolation concept developed by de Vilmorin for cereals in the 19th century. 15 avril 2022 12:00:00wtf genes are ancient meiotic driversMeiotic drivers are selfish elements that bias their own transmission into more than half the progeny produced by a driver+/driver- heterozygote. 24 mars 2022 11:00:00A review on the domestication of plant interactionsI will present a quick overview on what we know about the mechanisms of plant beneficial interactions, and the impact of domestication and breeding on those interactions. 18 mars 2022 12:00:00Radiation and hybridization underpin the spread of the fire …En présentiel : Salle Rosalind Franklin - Bâtiment IDEEV 12 route 128 - 91272 Gif-sur-Yvette 25 février 2022 12:00:00Improving genomic predictions with inbreeding and …Genetic admixture, resulting from the recombination between structural groups, is frequently encountered in breeding populations. 18 janvier 2022 14:00:00Ecological genomics of fruit tree-pest interactionSpecies interactions are crucial for driving species adaptation and diversification. 17 décembre 2021 14:30:00Évolution des concentrations d'enzymes dans les réseaux …École doctorale : Structure et dynamique des systèmes vivants (SDSV) La question de la relation génotype-phénotype est centrale en sciences de l’évolution. 17 décembre 2021 09:00:00Breeding for Mixed Cropping - Lessons Learned from a Genetic …École doctorale : Sciences du végétal: du gène à l’écosystème (SEVE) La soutenance se déroulera en anglais. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7