The Plant Omics Days, 15th and 16 June 2023

The Plant Omics Days

  • Date: 15 and 16 June 2023
  • Place: IPS2 - Building 630, rue de Noetzlin, Plateau du Moulon, 91190 - Gif-sur-Yvette

The IPS2 platforms and PAPPSO are organising a conference dedicated to the approaches they are developing on 15 and 16 June 2023: “The Plant Omics Days”.

These days, which will take place on the IPS2 campus, are open to all those interested in these approaches and the tools developed by our platforms.

The conference will be structured around presentations on the afternoon of 15 June and the morning of 16 June, covering the different technologies offered by the platforms, innovative projects carried out by users in collaboration with our platforms and also the latest technological developments in the field. This will be the starting point for exchanges and discussions between the various participants scheduled on the afternoon of 16 June in the form of round tables and visits to the platforms.

Registration is free but mandatory (registration link).