UMR Quantitative Genetics and Évolution-Le Moulon is a member of the Institute Diversité, Écologie et Évolution du Vivant (IDEEV). The UMR welcomes scientists from different French research institutes and universities: INRAE (UMR0320), CNRS (UMR8120) and Université Paris-Saclay (AgroParisTech and Faculté des Sciences).

Word Cloud

Altogether, it covers a wide range of disciplinary fields in Biology (including theoretical and evolutionary biology), Agronomical sciences, Mathematics (biostatistics and mathematical modeling) and Bioinformatics. In such a multidiciplinary environment, our specificity is population genetics and genomics for quantitative traits observed at different integration levels in contrasted environments : molecular phenotypes, architectural or developmental traits, yield components and adaptive traits. Our scientific production is excellent and recognized worldwide. We also contribute to the valorization of cultivated biodiversity in wheat (participative selection) and maize (marker-assisted selection, genomic selection).


Function Name Position
Director Christine Dillmann Professor, Université Paris-Saclay, Faculté des Sciences
Deputy director Alain Charcosset Research Director, INRAE
Deputy director Karine Alix Professor, AgroParisTech


functional organigram

GQE-Le Moulon is organized into seven research teams and four transversal support teams, including the scientific plateform PAPPSO. We are about 50 permanent staff, including researchers, engineers, and technichal staff. Each year, we have about 60 additional colleagues recruited on non-permanent positions (Postdoctoral fellows, PhD, master, engineers, technical staff, …).