Stand-up for science

Stand-up for science

Stand-up for science

Science, the humanities, academic freedom and the university are pillars of democracy (1). In various countries, including France, the scientific approach and academic freedom are challenged by media (2). In the USA, the government is attempting to erase scientific data (3). We are witnessing a massive attack on university and research, that is unprecedented since the second world war. Scientifically proven findings like the evolution of life, the biodiversity crisis or climate change were wrongly denounced as ultra-left-wing/woke political views (4). We are deeply concerned by the Trump/Musk vision for the USA. We are also concerned by the propagation of those anti-scientific ideas in Europe. And this against a backdrop of reduced public funding for academic research and universities (5).

Staff and students from the collective IdeeVerte from the Institute Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of the liVing matter, Univ. Paris-Saclay, France, are concerned by such a questioning of science and the scientific approach. We call for a strong mobilization on March 7th, following the collective Stand-up for Science France

Documents (in french medias)

  1. Tribune de l’Association pour la Liberté Académique (ALIA) dans le journal Libération

  2. Un article de futura (fev 2024) sur la bataille médiatique perdue des scientifiques du climat

  3. L’administration Trump efface des données scientifiques

  4. l’Office Français de la Biodiversité qualifié d’idéologue par un sénateur

  5. Les coupes budgétaires en France dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche