Dominique DE VIENNE
Université Paris-Saclay, Professor
dominique.de-vienne@inrae.fr — +33 (0)1 69 33 23 60+33 (0)6 77 79 94 31
Biologie de l'Adaptation et Systèmes en Évolution
- Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
- Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech
- 12 route 128
- 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
- Professor emeritus at the University Paris-Saclay (2017–)
- Professor at the University Paris-Sud (1990–2017).
- Former Research Director at the French National Institute of Agronomical Research (INRA).
Research management
- Former Director of the Plant Genetics Laboratory (INRA, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, AgroParisTech) in Gif-sur-Yvette (1999–2014)
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Doctoral Schools Genes, Genomes, Cells, then Structure and Dynamics of the Living Systems of the Université Paris-Saclay (2000–2022).
- Regular member of scientist evaluation authorities (Université Paris-Sud, CNRS and INRA) and of the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres).
Research interests
The question underlying all my research is that of the relationship between genotypic variation and phenotypic variation, at various levels of biological organization. My early work focused on the response of maize to water deficit, using molecular merkers and quantitative proteomics. My team played a pioneering role in this field, showing how to map the genes that control protein abundances (Protein Quantity Loci, or pQTL). My current research focuses on the modeling of quantitative variation, using a systems biology approach based in particular on MCA (Metabolic Control Analysis). In this context, I have analyzed: (1) the basis of heterosis, a major phenomenon in animal and plant breeding, (2) the evolution of enzyme concentrations when there is directional selection on metabolic fluxes, (3) the genetic consequences of the non-linearity of the relationship between the genotype and the successive phenotypic levels.
- Genetics and Quantitative genetics
- Eukaryote Evolution
- Metabolic Control Analysis.
- Petrizzelli M., Coton C., de Vienne D. . (2024) Formalizing the law of diminishing returns in metabolic networks using an electrical analogy. R. Soc. Open Sci., 10 (11) 240165
- Coton C., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. . (2023) Evolution of enzyme levels in metabolic pathways: A theoretical approach. Part 2. Journal of Theoretical Biology, (558) 111354
- de Vienne D. , Coton C., Dillmann C.. (2023) The genotype–phenotype relationship and evolutionary genetics in the light of the Metabolic Control Analysis. Biosystems, (232) 105000
- Coton C., Talbot G., Le Louarn M., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. . (2022) Evolution of enzyme levels in metabolic pathways: A theoretical approach. Part 1. Journal of Theoretical Biology, (538) 111015
- de Vienne D. , Capy P.. (2022) Special issue on “The relationship between genotype and phenotype: new insight into an old question”. Genetica, 3-4 (150) 151-151
- de Vienne D. . (2022) What is a phenotype? History and new developments of the concept. Genetica, 3-4 (150) 153-158
- Coton C., 2021-12, Évolution des concentrations d'enzymes dans les réseaux métaboliques, Theses, Université Paris-Saclay
- Petrizzelli MS., de Vienne D. , Nidelet T., Noûs C., Dillmann C., Kaleta C.. (2021) Data integration uncovers the metabolic bases of phenotypic variation in yeast. PLoS Comput Biol, 7 (17) e1009157
- de Vienne D. , Fiévet JB.. (2020) The Pitfalls of Heterosis Coefficients. Plants, 7 (9) 875
- Petrizzelli M., de Vienne D. , Dillmann C.. (2019) Decoupling the Variances of Heterosis and Inbreeding Effects Is Evidenced in Yeast’s Life-History and Proteomic Traits. Genetics, 2 (211) 741-756
- Petrizzelli M., 2019-07, Mathematical modelling and integration of complex biological data : analysis of the heterosis phenomenon in yeast, Theses, Université Paris Saclay (COmUE)
- Vasseur F., Fouqueau L., de Vienne D. , Nidelet T., Violle C., Weigel D.. (2019) Nonlinear phenotypic variation uncovers the emergence of heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Biol, 4 (17) e3000214
- Fiévet JB., Nidelet T., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. . (2018) Heterosis Is a Systemic Property Emerging From Non-linear Genotype-Phenotype Relationships: Evidence From in Vitro Genetics and Computer Simulations. Front. Genet., (9)
- Sabarly V., Aubron C., Glodt J., Balliau T., Langella O., Chevret D., Rigal O., Bourgais A., Picard B., de Vienne D. , Denamur E., Bouvet O., Dillmann C.. (2016) Interactions between genotype and environment drive the metabolic phenotype within Escherichia coli isolates. Environmental microbiology, 1 (18) 100-17
- Blein-Nicolas M., Albertin W., da Silva T., Valot B., Balliau T., Masneuf-Pomarède I., Bely M., Marullo P., Sicard D., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. , Zivy M.. (2015) A Systems Approach to Elucidate Heterosis of Protein Abundances in Yeast. Mol. Cell Proteomics, 8 (14) 2056-2071
- da Silva T., Albertin W., Dillmann C., Bely M., la Guerche S., Giraud C., Huet S., Sicard D., Masneuf-Pomarede I., de Vienne D. , Marullo P.. (2015) Hybridization within Saccharomyces Genus Results in Homoeostasis and Phenotypic Novelty in Winemaking Conditions. PloS one, 5 (10) e0123834
- Spor A., Kvitek DJ., Nidelet T., Martin J., Legrand J., Dillmann C., Bourgais A., de Vienne D. , Sherlock G., Sicard D.. (2014) Phenotypic and genotypic convergences are influenced by historical contingency and environment in yeast. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 3 (68) 772-90
- Albertin W., Marullo P., Bely M., Aigle M., Bourgais A., Langella O., Balliau T., Chevret D., Valot B., da Silva T., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. , Sicard D.. (2013) Linking post-translational modifications and variation of phenotypic traits. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP, 3 (12) 720-35
- Albertin W., da Silva T., Rigoulet M., Salin B., Masneuf-Pomarede I., de Vienne D. , Sicard D., Bely M., Marullo P.. (2013) The mitochondrial genome impacts respiration but not fermentation in interspecific Saccharomyces hybrids. PloS one, 9 (8) e75121
- Blein-Nicolas M., Albertin W., Valot B., Marullo P., Sicard D., Giraud C., Huet S., Bourgais A., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. , Zivy M.. (2013) Yeast proteome variations reveal different adaptive responses to grape must fermentation. Molecular biology and evolution, 6 (30) 1368-83
- Blein-Nicolas M., Xu H., de Vienne D. , Giraud C., Huet S., Zivy M.. (2012) Including shared peptides for estimating protein abundances: a significant improvement for quantitative proteomics. Proteomics, 18 (12) 2797-801
- Albertin W., Marullo P., Aigle M., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. , Bely M., Sicard D.. (2011) Population size drives industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae alcoholic fermentation and is under genetic control. Applied and environmental microbiology, 8 (77) 2772-84
- Fiévet J., de Vienne D. , Gallais A.. (2011) Heterosis, Inbreeding depression and Hybrid varieties. library.siena.edu,
- Sabarly V., Bouvet O., Glodt J., Clermont O., Skurnik D., Diancourt L., de Vienne D. , Denamur E., Dillmann C.. (2011) The decoupling between genetic structure and metabolic phenotypes in Escherichia coli leads to continuous phenotypic diversity. Journal of evolutionary biology, 7 (24) 1559-71
- Wang S., Spor A., Nidelet T., Montalent P., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. , Sicard D.. (2011) Switch between life history strategies due to changes in glycolytic enzyme gene dosage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied and environmental microbiology, 2 (77) 452-9
- Fievet JB., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. . (2010) Systemic properties of metabolic networks lead to an epistasis-based model for heterosis. Theor Appl Genet, 2 (120) 463-73
- Spor A., Dillmann C., Wang S., de Vienne D. , Sicard D., Parent E.. (2010) Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling for Saccharomyces cerevisiae population dynamics. International journal of food microbiology, 1-2 (142) 25-35
- Albertin W., Marullo P., Aigle M., Bourgais A., Bely M., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. , Sicard D.. (2009) Evidence for autotetraploidy associated with reproductive isolation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: towards a new domesticated species. Journal of evolutionary biology, 11 (22) 2157-70
- Spor A., Nidelet T., Simon J., Bourgais A., de Vienne D. , Sicard D.. (2009) Niche-driven evolution of metabolic and life-history strategies in natural and domesticated populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BMC evolutionary biology, (9) 296
- Spor A., Wang S., Dillmann C., de Vienne D. , Sicard D.. (2008) "Ant" and "grasshopper" life-history strategies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PloS one, 2 (3) e1579
- Falque M., Mercier R., Mézard C., de Vienne D. , Martin OC.. (2007) Patterns of Recombination and MLH1 Foci Density Along Mouse Chromosomes: Modeling Effects of Interference and Obligate Chiasma. Genetics, 3 (176) 1453-1467