Dynamic management of crop diversity

 INRAE, Senior Investigator —   SEVE —   +33 (0)1 69 33 23 70 —  1127

 Diversity, Evolution and Adaptation of Populations


  • Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
  • Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech
  • 12 route 128
  • 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

Current position

  • Senior scientist (directrice de recherche) at INRA
  • Member of the group Diversity Evolution and Adaptation of Populations (DEAP)
  • Corresponding member to the French Academy of Agriculture

Research interests

My research focuses on the dynamic management of crop diversity and the development of diversity-based strategies for more sustainable agro-ecosystems.

Dynamic management of crop populations, i.e. growing genetically heterogeneous crop populations in different environments for several generations allowing for extinction, recolonization and migration among populations, has been suggested as a strategy for the conservation of genetic resources.

I develop research in evolutionary genetics applied to subdivided self-pollinating populations with particular focus on the middle-term effects of selection on genetic diversity, and on the adaptive mechanisms involved in response to local selection.

I also develop more applied research using our understanding of the mechanisms governing the evolution of the experimental wheat populations to design more efficient modalities for the dynamic management / in situ conservation of the genetic diversity of cultivated species and to set up participatory breeding programmes involving farmers’ networks. These approaches particularly address the context of organic agriculture and other low-input agricultural systems.

Since 2007, I have been responsible for a inter-disciplinary research project on the assessment of wheat in situ genetic diversity in France. A historical approach over the 20th century was conducted with the support of FRB (2009-2011). The project has collected complementary data on potential determinants of spatial wheat diversity during the 1980-2006 period with the support of the Labex BASC (2015-2016) and IDEEV (2017).

Academic information

  • 2008: “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay
  • 1994-2009: Scientist in plant genetics at INRA
  • 1993: PhD at INA-PG, mention “Très Honorable avec Félicitations”
  • 1990: Master in Genetic Resources and Plant Breeding, INA-PG/Univ.Paris-Sud ; Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome of Institut National Agronomique – Paris-Grignon.


  • Supervision (or co-supervision) of 13 PhD

  • Coordination of 6 national projects (funded by the BRG 2005-2007 & 2007-2009, PICRI 2007-2012 & 2015-2017, UGeBio 2015-2018 funded by AgriBio4 INRA, Labex BASC + IDEEV 2015-2017)

  • Working Group leader in the COST network SusVar 2004-2008; WorkPackage leader in the 6th PCRD project FarmSeedOpportunities (2007-2009), in the 7th FP project SOLIBAM (2010-2014) and in the H2020 DIVERSIFOOD project (2015-2019)

  • Associate Reviewer for Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2008-2014); Associate Editor for Genetica (2008-2013)

  • Reviews for international journals (e.g. Molecular Ecology, European J. of Agronomy, Genetica, Heredity, Genetics, Theoretical & Applied Genetics, Euphytica, Crop Science, Plant Pathology, Nature Review Genetics, Conservation Biology, Ecological Indicators…)

  • PhD thesis jury: ~1 / yr

  • Evaluation of research projects:

    • member of an FCT evaluation committee (Portuguese public funding agency for R&D): 35 projects evaluated (2015);
    • member of an evaluation committee for the ERA-NET NetBiome call (2011);
    • regular reviewer for ANR, INRA, CNRS, FRB, Doctoral school ABIES.

Scientific activities

  • Invited conferences: 1-3 / yr.

  • Papers in international scientific journals: 55

  • Conference organisation and scientific committee:

    • EUCARPIA Organic and Low-Input 2nd conference, Paris, 1-3 dec. 2010;
    • SOLIBAM final congress “Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems” 7-9 July 2014, Nantes, France;
    • DIVERSIFOOD final congress “Cultivating diversity and food quality”, 10-12 Dec. 2018, Rennes, France.

Teaching, training and dissemination

  • ~ 40 hrs / yr in AgroParisTech, Univ. Paris VII, ENS, Univ. Paris XI, UPMC, Univ. Paris Est-Créteil, Univ. Evry, AgroCampus Rennes, SupAgro Montpellier, Ecole Ingénieurs Purpan.

  • Training and presentations to farmers or practioners: ~10 days / yr.

  • Communication, dissemination to a broader audience: ~10 conferences, debates / yr.


  • Berthet ET., Louis H., Hooge R., Bosshardt S., Malicet-Chebbah L., Van Frank G., Baritaux E., Barrier-Guillot A., Bernard L., Bridonneau S., Montaz H., Picq E., Goldringer I. . (2024) Operationalizing collective action for crop diversity in-situ management: insights from a decentralized collective design approach. Agric Hum Values,
  • Turbet Delof M., 2024, Impacts de l'environnement sur les pratiques de sélection paysanne et le comportement des variétés qui en résultent, PhD, Université Paris Saclay
  • Dubs F., Enjalbert J., Barot S., Porcher E., Allard V., Pope C., Gauffreteau A., Niboyet A., Pommier T., Saint-Jean S., Vidal T., Le Roux X.. (2023) Unfolding the link between multiple ecosystem services and bundles of functional traits to design multifunctional crop variety mixtures. Agron. Sustain. Dev., 6 (43) 71
  • Haug B., Messmer MM., Enjalbert J., Goldringer I. , Flutre T., Mary-Huard T., Hohmann P.. (2023) New insights towards breeding for mixed cropping of spring pea and barley to increase yield and yield stability. Field Crops Research, (297) 108923
  • Rouger B., Goldringer I. , Barbillon P., Miramon A., Naino Jika AK., Thomas M.. (2023) Sensitivity analysis of a crop metapopulation model. Ecological Modelling, (475) 110174
  • Von Gastrow L., Michel E., Legrand J., Amelot R., Segond D., Guezenec S., Rué O., Chable V., Goldringer I. , Dousset X., Serpolay‐Bessoni E., Taupier‐Letage B., Vindras‐Fouillet C., Onno B., Valence F., Sicard D.. (2023) Microbial community dispersal from wheat grains to sourdoughs: A contribution of participatory research. Molecular Ecology, 10 (32) 2413-2427
  • Rouger B., 2022, Coconstruction et évaluation de scénarios de gestion dynamique de la biodiversité cultivée dans des réseaux paysans et jardiniers à l'aide de la modélisation participative ; application à deux études de cas sur la tomate et sur le blé tendre en France, PhD, Université Paris Cité
  • Haug B., Messmer MM., Enjalbert J., Goldringer I. , Forst E., Flutre T., Mary-Huard T., Hohmann P.. (2021) Advances in Breeding for Mixed Cropping – Incomplete Factorials and the Producer/Associate Concept. Front. Plant Sci., (11) 620400
  • Haug B., 2021-12, Breeding for mixed cropping : lessons learned from a genetic analysis of pea (P. sativum L.) - barley (H. vulgare L.) mixtures, PhD, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Mazé A., Calabuig Domenech A., Goldringer I. . (2021) Restoring cultivated agrobiodiversity: The political ecology of knowledge networks between local peasant seed groups in France. Ecological Economics, (179) 106821
  • Vindras-Fouillet C., Goldringer I. , Frank G., Dewalque M., Colin A., Montaz H., Berthellot JF., Baltassat R., Dalmasso C.. (2021) Sensory Analyses and Nutritional Qualities of Wheat Population Varieties Developed by Participatory Breeding. Agronomy, 11 (11) 2117
  • Berthet ET., Bosshardt S., Malicet-Chebbah L., Van Frank G., Weil B., Segrestin B., Rivière P., Bernard L., Baritaux E., Goldringer I. . (2020) Designing Innovative Management for Cultivated Biodiversity: Lessons from a Pioneering Collaboration between French Farmers, Facilitators and Researchers around Participatory Bread Wheat Breeding. Sustainability, 2 (12) 605
  • David O., van Frank G., Goldringer I. , Rivière P., Turbet Delof M.. (2020) Bayesian inference of natural selection from spatiotemporal phenotypic data. Theoretical Population Biology, (131) 00-109
  • De Oliveira Y., Burlot L., Dawson JC., Goldringer I. , Madi D., Rivière P., Steinbach D., van Frank G., Thomas M.. (2020) SHiNeMaS: a web tool dedicated to seed lots history, phenotyping and cultural practices. Plant Methods, 1 (16) 98
  • Goldringer I. , van Frank G., Bouvier d’Yvoire C., Forst E., Galic N., Garnault M., Locqueville J., Pin S., Bailly J., Baltassat R., Berthellot JF., Caizergues F., Dalmasso C., de Kochko P., Gascuel JS., Hyacinthe A., Lacanette J., Mercier F., Montaz H., Ronot B., Rivière P.. (2020) Agronomic Evaluation of Bread Wheat Varieties from Participatory Breeding: A Combination of Performance and Robustness. Sustainability, 1 (12) 128
  • Mazé A., Calabuig Domenech A., Goldringer I. . (2020) Commoning the seeds: alternative models of collective action and open innovation within French peasant seed groups for recreating local knowledge commons. Agric Hum Values,
  • van Frank G., Rivière P., Pin S., Baltassat R., Berthellot JF., Caizergues F., Dalmasso C., Gascuel JS., Hyacinthe A., Mercier F., Montaz H., Ronot B., Goldringer I. . (2020) Genetic Diversity and Stability of Performance of Wheat Population Varieties Developed by Participatory Breeding. Sustainability, 1 (12) 384
  • Forst E., Enjalbert J., Allard V., Ambroise C., Krissaane I., Mary-Huard T., Robin S., Goldringer I. . (2019) A generalized statistical framework to assess mixing ability from incomplete mixing designs using binary or higher order variety mixtures and application to wheat. Field Crops Research, (242) 107571
  • Lecarpentier C., Barillot R., Blanc E., Abichou M., Goldringer I. , Barbillon P., Enjalbert J., Andrieu B.. (2019) WALTer: a three-dimensional wheat model to study competition for light through the prediction of tillering dynamics. Ann Bot, 6 (123) 961-975
  • van Frank G., Goldringer I. , Rivière P., David O.. (2019) Influence of experimental design on decentralized, on-farm evaluation of populations: a simulation study. Euphytica, 7 (215) 126
  • Borg J., Kiær LP., Lecarpentier C., Goldringer I. , Gauffreteau A., Saint-Jean S., Barot S., Enjalbert J.. (2018) Unfolding the potential of wheat cultivar mixtures: A meta-analysis perspective and identification of knowledge gaps. Field Crops Res, (221) 298-313
  • Forst E., 2018-03, Développement de méthodes d'estimation de l'aptitude au mélange pour la prédiction des performances et la sélection de mélanges variétaux chez le blé tendre, et co-conception d'idéotypes de mélanges adaptés à l'agriculture biologique, Theses, Université Paris Saclay (COmUE)
  • Perronne R., Goldringer I. . (2018) Application of a partitioning procedure based on Rao quadratic entropy index to characterize the temporal evolution of in situ varietal and genetic diversity of bread wheat in France over the period 1981–2006. Theor Appl Genet, 4 (131) 775-786
  • van Frank G., 2018-12, Gestion participative de la diversité cultivée et création de mélanges diversifiés de blé tendre à la ferme, Theses, Université Paris Saclay (COmUE)
  • Barot S., Allard V., Cantarel A., Enjalbert J., Gauffreteau A., Goldringer I. , Lata JC., Le Roux X., Niboyet A., Porcher E.. (2017) Designing mixtures of varieties for multifunctional agriculture with the help of ecology. A review. Agron. Sustain. Dev., 2 (37) 13
  • Demeulenaere Élise., Rivière P., Hyacinthe A., Baltassat R., Baltazar S., Gascuel JS., Lacanette J., Montaz H., Pin S., Ranke O., Serpolay-Besson E., Thomas M., Frank GV., Vanoverschelde M., Vindras-Fouillet C., Goldringer I. . (2017) La sélection participative à l’épreuve du changement d’échelle. À propos d’une collaboration entre paysans sélectionneurs et généticiens de terrain. Nat. Sci. Soc., 4 (25) 336-346
  • Demeulenaere Élise., Goldringer I. . (2017) Semences et transition agroécologique : initiatives paysannes et sélection participative comme innovations de rupture. Nat. Sci. Soc., (25) S55-S59
  • Perronne R., Makowski D., Goffaux R., Montalent P., Goldringer I. . (2017) Temporal evolution of varietal, spatial and genetic diversity of bread wheat between 1980 and 2006 strongly depends upon agricultural regions in France. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, (236) 12-20
  • Enjalbert J., Allard V., Andrieu B., Barot S., Borg J., Cantarel A., Feret M., Cervek C., Coleno FC., Pope De Vallavieille C., Descoureaux D., Dubs F., Galic N., Gauffreteau A., Gilet JD., Goldringer I. , Hannachi M., Houivet G., Pin S., Jeuffroy MH., Kerbiriou C., Labarthe P., LATA JC., LeCarpentier C., Lejars L., Lemain B., Lemarié S., Leny F., Le Roux X., Le Viol I., Montagnier C., NIBOYET A., Omon B., Piaud S., Poly F., Pommier T., Porcher E., Saint-Jean S., Salmon S., Tropée D., Vidal T.. (2016) Increasing species richness and genetic diversity in agriculture: results of the Wheatamix project. HAL Archives Ouvertes, 40 p.
  • Perronne R., Hannachi M., Lemarié S., Fugeray-Scarbel A., Goldringer I. . (2016) L’évolution de la filière blé tendre en France entre 1980 et 2006: quelle influence sur la diversité cultivée ?. Notes et Etudes Socio-Economiques (NESE), (41) 83-113
  • Barbillon P., Thomas M., Goldringer I. , Hospital F., Robin S.. (2015) Network impact on persistence in a finite population dynamic diffusion model: application to an emergent seed exchange network. J. Theor. Biol., (365) 365-376
  • Rivière P., Dawson JC., Goldringer I. , David O.. (2015) Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling for Flexible Experiments in Decentralized Participatory Plant Breeding. Crop Science, 3 (55) 1053-1067
  • Rivière P., Goldringer I. , Berthellot JF., Galic N., Pin S., Kochko PD., Dawson JC.. (2015) Response to farmer mass selection in early generation progeny of bread wheat landrace crosses. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 2 (30) 190-201
  • Thomas M., Thépot S., Galic N., Jouanne‐Pin S., Remoué C., Goldringer I. . (2015) Diversifying mechanisms in the on-farm evolution of crop mixtures. Molecular Ecology, 12 (24) 2937-2954
  • Thépot S., Restoux G., Goldringer I. , Hospital F., Gouache D., Mackay I., Enjalbert J.. (2015) Efficiently Tracking Selection in a Multiparental Population: The Case of Earliness in Wheat. Genetics, 2 (199) 609-623
  • Rivière P., 2014-01, Méthodologie de la sélection décentralisée et participative : un exemple sur le blé tendre, PhD, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI
  • Thépot S., 2014-03, Utilisation d'une population multi-parentale et hautement recombinante de blé tendre pour l'étude de l'architecture génétique de la précocité de floraison, Theses, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI
  • Khan AR., 2013-06, Réponse à court terme des populations de blé européens aux conditions agro-climatiques contrastées : analyse génétique et première étape vers le développement de marqueurs épigénétiques dans les gènes précoces VRN-A1, Theses, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI
  • Enjalbert J., Dawson JC., Paillard S., Rhone B., Rousselle Y., Thomas M., Goldringer I. . (2011) Dynamic management of crop diversity: From an experimental approach to on-farm conservation. Comptes rendus biologies, 5-6 (334) 458-68
  • Rousset M., Bonnin I., Remoue C., Falque M., Rhone B., Veyrieras JB., Madur D., Murigneux A., Balfourier F., Le Gouis J., Santoni S., Goldringer I. . (2011) Deciphering the genetics of flowering time by an association study on candidate genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor Appl Genet, 6 (123) 907-26
  • Thomas M., novembre 29, 2011, Gestion dynamique à la ferme de l’agrobiodiversité : relation entre la structure des populations de blé tendre et les pratiques humaines, , Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
  • Rhoné B., Vitalis R., Goldringer I. , Bonnin I.. (2010) Evolution of flowering time in experimental wheat populations: a comprehensive approach to detect genetic signatures of natural selection. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 7 (64) 2110-25
  • Rousselle Y., 2010-05, Rôle de la migration dans la gestion dynamique des ressources génétiques végétales, Theses, Université Paris Sud 11
  • Bonnin I., Rousset M., Madur D., Sourdille P., Dupuits C., Brunel D., Goldringer I. . (2008) FT genome A and D polymorphisms are associated with the variation of earliness components in hexaploid wheat. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik, 3 (116) 383-94
  • Raquin AL., Depaulis F., Lambert A., Galic N., Brabant P., Goldringer I. . (2008) Experimental estimation of mutation rates in a wheat population with a gene genealogy approach. Genetics, 4 (179) 2195-211
  • Raquin AL., Brabant P., Rhone B., Balfourier F., Leroy P., Goldringer I. . (2008) Soft selective sweep near a gene that increases plant height in wheat. Molecular ecology, 3 (17) 741-56
  • Rhoné B., Remoue C., Galic N., Goldringer I. , Bonnin I.. (2008) Insight into the genetic bases of climatic adaptation in experimentally evolving wheat populations. Molecular ecology, 3 (17) 930-43