Diversity management for agroecology
INRAE, Senior Investigator — SEVE
jerome.enjalbert@inrae.fr — +33 (0)1 69 15 68 55 — 1120
Diversity, Evolution and Adaptation of Populations
- Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
- Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech
- 12 route 128
- 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Education and positions
- Senior Researcher (“Directeur de Recherche”), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
- Head of DEAP team (Population Diversity, Evolution and Adaptation) at GQE-Le Moulon
- 1998: PhD thesis INA-PG
- 1993: ingénieur Agronome and MS in Plant Breeding INA-PG (present AgroParisTech)/Univ. Paris-Sud
Research interests
My current research aims at:
- Understanding how the management of intra-specific diversity in crops can contribute to a better performance of crops, and more specifically study the effect of plant to plant interactions in wheat cultivar mixtures, through experimental approaches as well as development of models coupling ecophysiology and genetics (Wheatamix - WALTer);
- Developing appropriate models in quantitative genetics to study the mixing ability of genotypes and contribute to the development of original breeding schemes for plant teams, both within and between different crop species;
- Mobilizing participatory approaches to co-design mixtures delivering appropriate services from farmers to end-users;
- Studying the impact of the managementof disease resistances on the evolution of virulence of pathogen populations, focusing on wheat cultivars deployment in Europe and the selective pressure produced on rust fungal populations (RustWatch).
Main ongoing / recent external collaborators
France Sébastien Barot (IeeS, Paris) ; Emmanuelle Porcher (MNHN, Paris) ; Arnaud Gauffreteau et Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy (Agronomie Grignon) ; Vincent Allard (GDEC, Clermont) ; Rémi Perronne (INRA, IGEPP, Rennes) ; C. Pope et M. Leconte (BIOGER, Thiverval-Grignon) ; Pierre Barbillon et Christophe Ambroise (MIA- Paris) ; Christian Fournier et Christophe Pradal (LEPSE, AGAP, Montpellier) ; Nathalie Moutiers et Alain Baranger (IGEPP, Rennes) ; Isabelle Litrico et Cyril Firmat (URP3F, Lusignan) ; Sophie Bouchet (GDEC), Jean-Noël Aubertot (AGIR) ; Valérie Cadot (GEVES, Angers) ; Matthieu Bogard et Philippe du Cheyron (ARVALIS, Paris).
International Benedikt Haugh, Pierre Hohmann, Monika Mesmer (Fibl, SW) ; Maria Finkh (U. Kassel, DE) ; Mogens Hovmoller (Aarhus U., DK) ; Ian Mackay (NIAB, UK) ; Sajid Ali (U. Peshawar, PK).
Students training
(Co-)supervision of 7 PhD Student:
Mamadou Mboup (2005-2008), Bahri Bochra (2006-2009), Sajid Ali (2010-2013), Abdul Reyman Khan (2010-2013), Stéphanie Thépot (2010-2014), Christophe Lecarpentier (2012-2015), Emma Forst (2014-2017), Adrien Speck (2017-2020), Emmanuelle Blanc (2017-2020), Benedikt Haug (2018-2021).
Research management
- Elected member of CCSU 64-69 (Université Paris-Sud) from 2010.
- Member of CSS EGBIP (INRA), 2011-2014.
- Member of the section 29 of the National Comitee for Scientific Research (CoNRS) from 2012.
- 2010-2013: Director of Federal Institute for Research “the Plant and its environment” (IFR87, closed since December 2013)
- Bécu T., Barot S., Lata JC., Roux XL., Enjalbert J. , Niboyet A.. (2024) Increasing intraspecific diversity of wheat affects plant nutrient contents but not N recovery in the plant-soil system. Basic and Applied Ecology, (74) 24-34
- Gawinowski M., Enjalbert J. , Cournède PH., Flutre T.. (2024) Contrasted reaction norms of wheat yield in pure vs mixed stands explained by tillering plasticities and shade avoidance. Field Crops Research, (310) 109368
- Blanc E., Enjalbert J. , Flutre T., Barbillon P., Lunn J.. (2023) Efficient Bayesian automatic calibration of a functional–structural wheat model using an adaptive design and a metamodelling approach. Journal of Experimental Botany, erad339
- Dubs F., Enjalbert J. , Barot S., Porcher E., Allard V., Pope C., Gauffreteau A., Niboyet A., Pommier T., Saint-Jean S., Vidal T., Le Roux X.. (2023) Unfolding the link between multiple ecosystem services and bundles of functional traits to design multifunctional crop variety mixtures. Agron. Sustain. Dev., 6 (43) 71
- Haug B., Messmer MM., Enjalbert J. , Goldringer I., Flutre T., Mary-Huard T., Hohmann P.. (2023) New insights towards breeding for mixed cropping of spring pea and barley to increase yield and yield stability. Field Crops Research, (297) 108923
- Taschen E., Dezette D., Guillot E., Abadie J., Arnal D., Plassard C., Taudière A., Wheatamix consortium, Violle C., Enjalbert J. , Le Roux X., Hinsinger P.. (2023) Wheat varietal diversity modulates nitrogen-related enzymatic activities but has limited impact on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Plant Soil,
- Demie DT., Döring TF., Finckh MR., van der Werf W., Enjalbert J. , Seidel SJ.. (2022) Mixture × Genotype Effects in Cereal/Legume Intercropping. Front. Plant Sci., (13) 846720
- Gawinowski M., Enjalbert J. , Cournède PH., Flutre T.. (2022) Contrasted reaction norms of wheat yield in pure vs mixed stands explained by tillering plasticities and shade avoidance. Plant Biology,
- Speck A., Trouvé JP., Enjalbert J. , Geffroy V., Joets J., Moreau L.. (2022) Genetic Architecture of Powdery Mildew Resistance Revealed by a Genome-Wide Association Study of a Worldwide Collection of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Front. Plant Sci., (13) 871633
- Blanc E., Barbillon P., Fournier C., Lecarpentier C., Pradal C., Enjalbert J. . (2021) Functional–Structural Plant Modeling Highlights How Diversity in Leaf Dimensions and Tillering Capability Could Promote the Efficiency of Wheat Cultivar Mixtures. Front. Plant Sci., (12) 734056
- Blanc E., 2021-03, Modélisation des conséquences évolutives de la compétition pour la lumière dans des populations composites de blé, PhD, Université Paris-Saclay
- Haug B., Messmer MM., Enjalbert J. , Goldringer I., Forst E., Flutre T., Mary-Huard T., Hohmann P.. (2021) Advances in Breeding for Mixed Cropping – Incomplete Factorials and the Producer/Associate Concept. Front. Plant Sci., (11) 620400
- Haug B., 2021-12, Breeding for mixed cropping : lessons learned from a genetic analysis of pea (P. sativum L.) - barley (H. vulgare L.) mixtures, PhD, Université Paris-Saclay
- Labarthe P., Coléno F., Enjalbert J. , Fugeray-Scarbel A., Hannachi M., Lemarié S.. (2021) Exploration, exploitation and environmental innovation in agriculture. The case of variety mixture in France and Denmark. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (172) 121028
- Perronne R., Dubs F., de Vallavieille-Pope C., Leconte M., du Cheyron P., Cadot V., Vidal T., Enjalbert J. . (2021) Spatiotemporal Changes in Varietal Resistance to Wheat Yellow Rust in France Reveal an Increase in Field Resistance Level During the Period 1985–2018. Phytopathology®, 9 (111) 1602-1612
- Forst E., Enjalbert J. , Allard V., Ambroise C., Krissaane I., Mary-Huard T., Robin S., Goldringer I.. (2019) A generalized statistical framework to assess mixing ability from incomplete mixing designs using binary or higher order variety mixtures and application to wheat. Field Crops Research, (242) 107571
- Lecarpentier C., Barillot R., Blanc E., Abichou M., Goldringer I., Barbillon P., Enjalbert J. , Andrieu B.. (2019) WALTer: a three-dimensional wheat model to study competition for light through the prediction of tillering dynamics. Ann Bot, 6 (123) 961-975
- Ali S., Sharma S., Leconte M., Shah SJA., Duveiller E., Enjalbert J. , Vallavieille‐Pope C.. (2018) Low pathotype diversity in a recombinant Puccinia striiformis population through convergent selection at the eastern Himalayan centre of diversity (Nepal). Plant Pathology, 4 (67) 810-820
- Borg J., Kiær LP., Lecarpentier C., Goldringer I., Gauffreteau A., Saint-Jean S., Barot S., Enjalbert J. . (2018) Unfolding the potential of wheat cultivar mixtures: A meta-analysis perspective and identification of knowledge gaps. Field Crops Res, (221) 298-313
- Forst E., 2018-03, Développement de méthodes d'estimation de l'aptitude au mélange pour la prédiction des performances et la sélection de mélanges variétaux chez le blé tendre, et co-conception d'idéotypes de mélanges adaptés à l'agriculture biologique, Theses, Université Paris Saclay (COmUE)
- Lamichhane JR., Arseniuk E., Boonekamp P., Czembor J., Decroocq V., Enjalbert J. , Finckh MR., Korbin M., Koppel M., Kudsk P., Mesterhazy A., Sosnowska D., Zimnoch‐Guzowska E., Messéan A.. (2018) Advocating a need for suitable breeding approaches to boost integrated pest management: a European perspective. Pest Management Science, 6 (74) 1219-1227
- Barot S., Allard V., Cantarel A., Enjalbert J. , Gauffreteau A., Goldringer I., Lata JC., Le Roux X., Niboyet A., Porcher E.. (2017) Designing mixtures of varieties for multifunctional agriculture with the help of ecology. A review. Agron. Sustain. Dev., 2 (37) 13
- Lecarpentier C., 2017-01, Plasticité de l'architecture aérienne du blé en réponse à la compétition pour la lumière au sein de cultures pures ou d'associations variétales : caractérisation expérimentale et développement d'un modèle 3D, PhD, Université Paris Saclay
- Perronne R., Diguet S., Vallavieille-Pope C., Leconte M., Enjalbert J. . (2017) A framework to characterize the commercial life cycle of crop varieties: Application to the case study of the influence of yellow rust epidemics on French bread wheat varieties. Field Crops Research, (209) 159-167
- Ali S., Soubeyrand S., Gladieux P., Giraud T., Leconte M., Gautier A., Mboup M., Chen W., Vallavieille‐Pope C., Enjalbert J. . (2016) cloncase: Estimation of sex frequency and effective population size by clonemate resampling in partially clonal organisms. Molecular Ecology Resources, 4 (16) 845-861
- Durand JL., Andrieu B., Barillot R., Barre P., Combes D., Enjalbert J. , Escobar-Gutierrez A., Faverjon L., Lecarpentier C., Litrico I., Louarn G., Migault V., Sanchez L.. (2016) Designing and improving mixed grasslands: advances made in modelling forage variety performance. Fourrages, 225 21-28
- Enjalbert J. , 2016-01-13 13/01/16, De la génétique des clones à l'agroécologie, HDR, Université Paris-Sud
- Enjalbert J. , Allard V., Andrieu B., Barot S., Borg J., Cantarel A., Feret M., Cervek C., Coleno FC., Pope De Vallavieille C., Descoureaux D., Dubs F., Galic N., Gauffreteau A., Gilet JD., Goldringer I., Hannachi M., Houivet G., Pin S., Jeuffroy MH., Kerbiriou C., Labarthe P., LATA JC., LeCarpentier C., Lejars L., Lemain B., Lemarié S., Leny F., Le Roux X., Le Viol I., Montagnier C., NIBOYET A., Omon B., Piaud S., Poly F., Pommier T., Porcher E., Saint-Jean S., Salmon S., Tropée D., Vidal T.. (2016) Increasing species richness and genetic diversity in agriculture: results of the Wheatamix project. HAL Archives Ouvertes, 40 p.
- Hazard L., Gauffreteau A., Borg J., Charron MH., Deo M., Enjalbert J. , Goutiers V., Gressier E.. (2016) Using innovative approaches to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing climate and world: the utility of co-design in plant breeding programmes. Fourrages, 225 39-47
- Walter S., Ali S., Kemen E., Nazari K., Bahri BA., Enjalbert J. , Hansen JG., Brown JK., Sicheritz-Ponten T., Jones J., de Vallavieille-Pope C., Hovmoller MS., Justesen AF.. (2016) Molecular markers for tracking the origin and worldwide distribution of invasive strains of Puccinia striiformis. Ecology and evolution, 9 (6) 2790-804
- Gaba S., Lescourret F., Boudsocq S., Enjalbert J. , Hinsinger P., Journet EP., Navas ML., Wery J., Louarn G., Malezieux E., Pelzer E., Prudent M., Ozier-Lafontaine H.. (2015) Multiple cropping systems as drivers for providing multiple ecosystem services: from concepts to design. Agron Sustain Dev, 2 (35) 607-623
- Thépot S., Restoux G., Goldringer I., Hospital F., Gouache D., Mackay I., Enjalbert J. . (2015) Efficiently Tracking Selection in a Multiparental Population: The Case of Earliness in Wheat. Genetics, 2 (199) 609-623
- Thépot S., Restoux G., Hospital F., Gouache D., Mackay I., Goldringer I., Enjalbert J. , Ogihara Y., Takumi S., Handa H.. (2015) Interest of a Multiparental and Outcrossing Wheat Population for Fine Mapping. , 331-8
- Thépot S., 2014-03, Utilisation d'une population multi-parentale et hautement recombinante de blé tendre pour l'étude de l'architecture génétique de la précocité de floraison, Theses, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI
- Mboup M., Bahri B., Leconte M., De Vallavieille-Pope C., Kaltz O., Enjalbert J. . (2012) Genetic structure and local adaptation of European wheat yellow rust populations: the role of temperature-specific adaptation. Evol. Appl., 4 (5) 341-352
- Enjalbert J. , Dawson JC., Paillard S., Rhone B., Rousselle Y., Thomas M., Goldringer I.. (2011) Dynamic management of crop diversity: From an experimental approach to on-farm conservation. Comptes rendus biologies, 5-6 (334) 458-68