Alain Charcosset, GQE-Le Moulon

  -  12:00:00
 GQE-Le Moulon

History of hybrid maize: concepts and practical lessons

Hybrid breeding was conceptualized originally for maize by Shull in 1908 as an extension of the isolation concept developed by de Vilmorin for cereals in the 19th century. I will present the context of the initial invention and how it relates to heterosis and inbreeding depression. I will review the first steps of practical implementation in maize, later methodological innovations and empirical findings, which have lead to highly efficient breeding programs worldwide. These have been / are influencial for many other crops, including sunflower, rapeseed and more recently rye and barley. Finally, I will discuss how hybrids and related variety structures can be an avenue for developing rapidly varieties combining adaptive and quality features adapted to emerging environmental conditions and uses.

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