Biologie évolutive, génétique des populations

  • Évolution
  • sélection
  • modèles mathématiques
  • génétique des populations
  • génétique quantitative
  • démographie
  • traits d'histoire de vie
  • plantes
  • autofécondation
  • dormance des graines

 Université Paris-Saclay, Maitre de conférences

 diala.abu-awad@universite-paris-saclay.fr —   —  1128

 Biologie de l'Adaptation et Systèmes en Évolution


  • Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
  • Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech
  • 12 route 128
  • 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

Positions and education

Research interests

I am a theoretical biologist working to develop models that account for complex genetic processes impacting the trajectories of species evolution. I am also interested in explicitly integrating life-history traits (self-fertilisation, seed-dormancy, life-span, etc.) to understand how such traits affect selection and adaptation.




  • Abu-Awad D., Waller D.. (2023) Conditions for maintaining and eroding pseudo-overdominance and its contribution to inbreeding depression. Peer Community Journal, (3) e8
  • Korfmann K., Abu-Awad D., Tellier A.. (2023) Weak seed banks influence the signature and detectability of selective sweeps. J of Evolutionary Biology, 9 (36) 1282-1294
  • Sellinger TPP., Abu‐Awad D., Tellier A.. (2021) Limits and convergence properties of the sequentially Markovian coalescent. Molecular Ecology Resources, 7 (21) 2231-2248
  • Abu Awad D. , Roze D.. (2020) Epistasis, inbreeding depression, and the evolution of self-fertilization. Evolution, 7 (74) 1301-1320
  • Clo J., Ronfort J., Abu Awad D. . (2020) Hidden genetic variance contributes to increase the short‐term adaptive potential of selfing populations. J Evol Biol, 9 (33) 1203-1215
  • Sellinger TPP., Abu Awad D. , Moest M., Tellier A., Mauricio R.. (2020) Inference of past demography, dormancy and self-fertilization rates from whole genome sequence data. PLoS Genet, 4 (16) e1008698
  • Abu Awad D. , Coron C.. (2018) Effects of demographic stochasticity and life-history strategies on times and probabilities to fixation. Heredity, 4 (121) 374-386
  • Abu Awad D. , Roze D.. (2018) Effects of partial selfing on the equilibrium genetic variance, mutation load, and inbreeding depression under stabilizing selection: SELFING AND STABILIZING SELECTION. Evolution, 4 (72) 751-769
  • Abu Awad D. , Billiard S.. (2017) The double edged sword: The demographic consequences of the evolution of self-fertilization: THE DOUBLE EDGED SWORD. Evolution, 5 (71) 1178-1190
  • Abu Awad D. , Billiard S., Tran VC.. (2016) Perenniality induces high inbreeding depression in self-fertilising species. Theoretical Population Biology, (112) 43-51
  • Abu Awad D. , Gallina S., Bonamy C., Billiard S., Khudyakov YE.. (2014) The Interaction between Selection, Demography and Selfing and How It Affects Population Viability. PLoS ONE, 1 (9) e86125
  • Gervais C., Abu Awad D. , Roze D., Castric V., Billiard S.. (2014) Genetic architecture of inbreeding depression and the maintenance of Gametophytic Self‐Incompatibility. Evolution, 11 (68) 3317-3324