
Affero GPL

A data management web tool for plant breeding and genetic diversity exploration

In collaboration with GQMS team. ThaliaDB is a web application with its database that manages plant accessions, seeds lots, SNP markers, genotyping rawddata and field phenotyping elaborated data. This tool is useful for lab data management, for data curation, to prepare datasets for genome wide assocation studies or genomic selection analysis and for data sharing with partners and external data repositories (Dataverse).

ThaliaDB screen

ThaliaDB screen

The software development started in 2004, two versions were developped in JAVA langage. A new version (V3) in Python/Django framework/PostgreSQL/MongoDB started in 2015 for maize species and is now installed at QGE-Le Moulon. It is used to manage data produced by GQMS team and their partners in the frame of scientific projects, such as Amaizing at national, or at european projects (DROPS). Other instances will be deployed for other species and projects in the following months, in collaboration with external partners.

Links to the project :