URGENT ! BASE recruits a lab technician on a 42 months position to screen an overexpression library in yeast.
The successful candidate will participate in a project combining genetic and microbiology aspects within the research unit “Génétique Quantitative et Evolution–Le Moulon”. His or her mission will be to screen an overexpression library in the yeast S. cerevisiae to identify genes controling crossover interference in meiosis.
Yeast tetrad with 2 fluorescent spores (microscopy shot: each spore is around 8µ). Picture by M. Falque
GQE-Le Moulon is a mixed research unit (Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, and AgroParisTech) located on the plateau of Saclay in the Moulon district of Gif-sur-Yvette. The flow cytometry facility is also located in Gif-sur-Yvette, on the CNRS campus.
The technician will join the BASE team and will work under the responsibility of a senior research engineer and a technician; he or she will collaborate with other members of the team as well as with other project collaborators within the MEIOME group at IJPB (https://ijpb.versailles.inrae.fr/) and the MRP group at I2BC (https://www.i2bc.paris-saclay.fr/?lang=en).
The position is financed by the ANR research contract by CO-PATT (2021-2024, “CrossOver interference phenomenon: regulating crossover number and spatial PATTerning during meiosis”) leaded by Eric Espagne at I2BC.
- Microbiology and genetics : carry out liquid and solid S. cerevisiae cultures, induce sporulation, make sexual crossings, transform cells, prepare the required media, control fluorescent markers using a fluorescence microscope, get trained in flow cytometry (to become an autonomous user) and in cell sorting (under supervison of an engineer).
- Molecular biology : prepare yeast genomic and plasmidic DNA, make DNA constructions, screen mutants by PCR and electrophoresis.
- Rigor, method, organization, autonomy
- Ability to report and to work within a team
- Good mastering of usual techniques of microbiology and molecular biology. Flow cytometry will be carried out in partnership with the IMAGIF facility of I2BC
- Knowledge in genetics
- Ability to report and format experimental results, and present your activity orally and in writing
- Know and apply good laboratory and safety practices in microbiology and molecular biology
Constraints and risks
- Manipulating chemicals and non-pathogenic GMO micro-organisms
- No time constrainsts
- Owning a drver’s licence is a plus (a service car will be used to go to the cytometruy facility)
Practical Information
- Location of the work : Gif-sur-Yvette, Valley and Plateau of Saclay
- Duration of the contract : 42 months
- Date of start : as soon as possible
- Full-time job
- Salary: between 1 663,54 € and 1 813,49 € before tax, depending on seniority
- Professionnal experience: not required to postulate
- Information and application by e-mail to Matthieu Falque
- Deadline for application: May 31th, 2021