Université Paris-Saclay, Assistant Professor
elodie.marchadier@universite-paris-saclay.fr — +33 (0)1 69 33 23 68+33 (0)6 71 82 97 44
Biologie de l'Adaptation et Systèmes en Évolution
- Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
- Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech
- 12 route 128
- 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Academic history
- 2005-2009: PhD Cellular Biology - University of Paris XI-Orsay, France - ASC-INRA funding - “Functional exploration of a centre of protein-protein interactions in Bacillus subtilis by an integrative approach”
- 2003-2005: MSc Bioinformatics - University of Rennes I, France
- 2000-2003: BSc Cellular biology and molecular genetics - University of Rennes I and ASUC-Chartres, France.
Research interest
joined BASE group in September 2015 and started to work on the effect of environnment and genotype on maize phenotypes. Maize genotypes coming from a divergent selection experiment initiated in the group 20 years ago ([C. Dillmann] (http://moulon.inrae.fr/personnes/cdillmann/), [M. Tenaillon] (http://moulon.inrae.fr/personnes/mtenaillon/), A. Ressayre) were grown in field conditions and characterized for their growth parameters. This experiment combined with a fine characterization of the environnment provide interesting data to better understand the effect of environnment factors (potential combined stresses) on maize growth phenotypes.
In this context, I am interested in several questions :
Which phenotypes are more / less plastic ? * Is phenotypic plasticity depending on the integration level of the phenotype ?
Did the plasticity of phenotypes evolved during the selection process ?
The IteMaize project (funded by BASC labex and coordinated by Christine Dillmann) allowed to finely evaluate DSE maize lines during two consecutive years, which provided a valuable dataset (from developmental to molecular scales) to investigate these questions. I am interested in the exploitation of molecular data that underlie phenotypic changes and notably methods allowing network construction from omics data.
- Which climatic variables are critical for influencing the phenotypes ?
The WarmRules project (funded by DATA IA Institue of Convergence and coordinated by [Fatiha Saïs] (https://www.lri.fr/~sais/index.html)) aims at investigating the relations between climatic variables and maize phenotypes through logical semantic rules and statistical approaches.
Furthermore, I am also interested in intra-conditions variance of phenotypes that can be explained by stochasticity and eventualy bet-hedging processes.
Some biological mecanisms are so extensively studied in different contexts (genotypes, conditions…) that it becomes challenging to integrate the set of regulatory informations which have been described. I am interested in text mining approaches enabling the extraction of biological informations for scientific papers and also in the developement of representation tools of complex biological systems at different scales (molecular, cellular and organism) via the buiding of a systemic plant ontology (collaboration with [BioSys group] ( http://maiage.jouy.inra.fr/?q=fr/biosys).
Past work
♦ VAST lab, IJBP Versailles
My work focused on the genetic variants responsible for abiotic stress adaptation (especially drought stress) in Arabidopsis ecotypes (natural accessions). To this end, we used Recombinant Inbred Lines combined to a high-throughput phenotyping platform, The Phenoscope. This makes possible the accurate quantification of the rosette area and the QTL mappping in finely control growth conditions.
♦ Guard Cell group, University of Bristol
Stomata are pores found on leaf epidermis of plants and allow to regulate gas exchange and water loss. Stomata are able to open and close in response to different stimuli such as carbon dioxyde, humidity, light and temperature. The fine tuned guard cell signalling allows the plant to respond to a combination of environmental factors in an optimal manner. I have been focused on how the guard cells can take into account various stimuli to develop an appropriate response.
I have been interested in signals integration which occurs in guard cells and controls stomatal aperture. I studied mechanisms of signal integration which have already been characterized in bacteria and which are conserved in plants. I combined predictive approaches (in silico) such as expression and interaction data to identify potential key proteins and target experimental assays.
In collaboration with Computational Genomics group, I have also been interested in detecting and understanding major steps of signalling pathways evolution using phylogenetic and bioinformatic methods to study how evolution shaped and optimized the biological pathways.
[Guard Cell group](Guard Cell group)
♦ PhD, Institut Micalis and MaIAGE
My PhD focused on an biological question: understanding the biological function of a group of hubs discovered in Bacillus subtilis. These hubs are located at the interface of several essential cellular processes such as DNA replication, cell division, chromosome segregation, stress response and biogenesis of the bacterial cell wall. I used microbiology approaches combined to bioinformatics and transcriptome analyzes to better characterize these proteins. The integration of these heterogeneous data allowed to clarify the functional context of the genes of interest and to make assumptions about the nature of interactions between hub proteins. The group of hubs appears finally composed of a few groups of co-expressed proteins (party hubs) which can interact together and other proteins expressed in an uncorrelated manner (date hubs).
Grants and fellowships
Teaching activities
I am involved in the teaching of biostatistics and biomathematics at licence and master levels of the Université Paris-Sud.
- Desbiez-Piat A., Ressayre A., Marchadier É. , Noly A., Remoue C., Vitte C., Belcram H., Bourgais A., Galic N., Guilloux ML., Tenaillon MI., Dillmann C.. (2023) Pervasive GxE interactions shape adaptive trajectories and the exploration of the phenotypic space in artificial selection experiments. Genetics, (in press) 2023.01.13.523786
- Plancade S., Marchadier É. , Huet S., Ressayre A., Noûs C., Dillmann C.. (2023) A successive time-to-event model of phyllochron dynamics for hypothesis testing: application to the analysis of genetic and environmental effects in maize. Plant Methods, 1 (19) 54
- Olvera-Vazquez SG., Alhmedi A., Miñarro M., Shykoff JA., Marchadier É. , Rousselet A., Remoué C., Gardet R., Degrave A., Robert P., Chen X., Porchier J., Giraud T., Vander-Mijnsbrugee K., Raffoux X., Falque M., Alins G., Didelot F., Beliën T., Dapena E., Lemarquand A., Cornille A.. (2021) Experimental test for local adaptation of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) to its host (Malus domestica) and to its climate in Europe. PCI Ecology, (Pre-registration version)
- Plancade S., Marchadier É. , Huet S., Ressayre A., Noûs C., Dillmann C.. (2021) A new hypothesis-testing model for phyllochron based on a stochastic process - application to analysis of genetic and environment effects in maize. DOI.org (Crossref),
- Hanemian M., Vasseur F., Marchadier É. , Gilbault E., Bresson J., Gy I., Violle C., Loudet O.. (2020) Natural variation at FLM splicing has pleiotropic effects modulating ecological strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat Commun, 1 (11) 4140
- Henry V., Saïs F., Inizan O., Marchadier É. , Dibie J., Goelzer A., Fromion V.. (2020) BiPOm: a rule-based ontology to represent and infer molecule knowledge from a biological process-centered viewpoint. BMC Bioinformatics, 1 (21) 327
- Marchadier É. , Hanemian M., Tisné S., Bach L., Bazakos C., Gilbault E., Haddadi P., Virlouvet L., Loudet O.. (2019) The complex genetic architecture of shoot growth natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet., 4 (15) e1007954
- Tenaillon MI., Seddiki K., Mollion M., Guilloux ML., Marchadier É. , Ressayre A., Dillmann C.. (2019) Transcriptomic response to divergent selection for flowering times reveals convergence and key players of the underlying gene regulatory network. bioRxiv, 461947
- Edel KH., Marchadier É. , Brownlee C., Kudla J., Hetherington AM.. (2017) The Evolution of Calcium-Based Signalling in Plants. Curr. Biol., 13 (27) R667-R679
- Marchadier É. , Oates ME., Fang H., Donoghue PC., Hetherington AM., Gough J.. (2016) Evolution of the Calcium-Based Intracellular Signaling System. Genome biology and evolution, 7 (8) 2118-32
- Marchadier É. , Hetherington AM.. (2014) Involvement of two-component signalling systems in the regulation of stomatal aperture by light in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol, 2 (203) 462-468
- Monteferrante CG., Mackichan C., Marchadier É. , Prejean MV., Carballido-Lopez R., van Dijl JM.. (2012) Mapping the twin-arginine protein translocation network of Bacillus subtilis. Proteomics,
- Nicolas P., Mäder U., Dervyn E., Rochat T., Leduc A., Pigeonneau N., Bidnenko E., Marchadier É. , Hoebeke M., Aymerich S., Becher D., Bisicchia P., Botella E., Delumeau O., Doherty G., Denham EL., Fogg MJ., Fromion V., Goelzer A., Hansen A., Härtig E., Harwood CR., Homuth G., Jarmer H., Jules M., Klipp E., Le Chat L., Lecointe F., Lewis P., Liebermeister W., March A., Mars RAT., Nannapaneni P., Noone D., Pohl S., Rinn B., Rügheimer F., Sappa PK., Samson F., Schaffer M., Schwikowski B., Steil L., Stülke J., Wiegert T., Devine KM., Wilkinson AJ., van Dijl JM., Hecker M., Völker U., Bessières P., Noirot P.. (2012) Condition-dependent transcriptome reveals high-level regulatory architecture in Bacillus subtilis. Science, 6072 (335) 1103-1106
- Marchadier É. , Carballido-Lopez R., Brinster S., Fabret C., Mervelet P., Bessieres P., Noirot-Gros MF., Fromion V., Noirot P.. (2011) An expanded protein-protein interaction network in Bacillus subtilis reveals a group of hubs: Exploration by an integrative approach. Proteomics, 15 (11) 2981-91
- Marchadier É. , 2009/01/01, Etude fonctionnelle d'un centre d'interactions protéiques chez Bacillus subtilis par une approche intégrée, thesis, Paris 11