Fundamentals in statistics

Course Fundamendals in Statistics

October 14th-18th 2024

This course is part of the master 1 curriculum International Plant and Microbial molecular Biology. It is also open to PhD students/postdocs/researchers.

The objectives are to acquire basic notions in statistics to analyse simple data sets from biological experiments. At the end of the course, you will

  • know the principles of a statistical test,
  • be able to choose and to perform the statistical test corresponding to your biological question with the R software,
  • be able to illustrate the results with graphical representations,
  • be able to identify the level of statistical complexity of a biological dataset.

The idea is learning by practising. Courses are organized around the treatment of real example datasets in three sections :

  • Random variables, typology, sampling, principles of statistical tests
  • Analysis of variance
  • Multivariate analyses : correlation, regression, principal component analysis

Before or after each section, a practical will allow you to to analyse several datasets and lear how to implement the tests with th R software and interpret the results. The last section is called Do it by yourself and is organized into three stages

  • Choose your test: from the description of a biological question and the associated experiment, choose the right statistical test to be performed.
  • Practice: from a complex data set, choose a biological question and perform the associated statistical test and graphical representations.
  • Alone in front of my dataset: At the end of the week, you will be given a dataset produced by colleagues (bringing your own dataset is also possible). You’ll have one month to analyse this dataset and prepare an oral restitution.

Registrations before september 30th 2024

Paris-Saclay PhDs: Please register via the ADUM platform from the Université Paris-Saclay. Other attendees: Please send an email to Christine Dillmann There are no registration fees but you need to ensure accomodations and lunches by yourself. The training will take place at [IDEEV] ( and is limited to 20 attendees.


  • All students with at least a master1 degree in Biology are welcome.

  • We are going to use the R software. Please ensure to come with an updated R version (R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) – “Beagle Scouts”) at least and with RStudio installed in your laptop. For more informations, look at about R.

  • Please ensure before the course that all the notions treated in th R tutorial are acquired. To do the tutorial, you will need the example file cinetik.txt

The team