ACEP - Atelier Mapping, Expression, Polymorphism
The ACEP team (Mapping, Gene expression and Polymorphism) is a transverse group which provides support to the other UMR teams for topics related to molecular biology and genetic linkage mapping. It performs analyses of DNA sequence polymorphisms using various approaches of molecular markers or sequencing, as well as gene expression studies by real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The team also produces linkage maps from segregating populations, and develops data analysis tools for building and analyzing genetic maps. Beyond map construction, the ACEP group carries out a research project in collaboration with the BASE team, on the analysis of the numer and the distribution of meiotic crossovers.

The ACEP team also keeps a technological watch on the topics related to the needs of the UMR in molecular biology and genetic mapping. It takes care of chosing new laboratory equipments and setting up protocols, and coordinates the use of the common molecular biology facility where people from different teams are working. We frequently welcome students from L3 to M2 level and provide a practical training in molecular biology for the colleagues of other teams who need it.
ACEP research topics
- Genotyping and DNA sequence analysis
- Microsatellite (SSR) markers on high-resolution agarose gels or polyacrylamide gels (LiCor sequencers).
- SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) markers by CAS-PCR (Competitive Allele-Specific PCR) or sub-contracted (KASPar method, Illumina Infinium, Affymetrix, or GBS (Genotyping by sequencing)).
- Other types of markers : CAPS (Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences) or IDP (Insertion-Deletion Polymorphism) visualized on sequencers, AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism), SSAP (Sequence-Specific Amplified Polymorphsim).
- Analysis of gene expression levels by quantitative real-time RT-PCR or RNA-seq
- Genetic mapping
- The ACEP team provides a service of linkage map construction from genotyping data of mapping populations, and develops molecular and software tools for the production of genetic linkage maps.
- Fabrice Dumas (INRAE)
- Matthieu Falque Research Engineer (INRAE), 50% ACEP, 50% BASE
- Carine Remoué Assistant Engineer (CNRS)
Former members
Anthony Venon Ingénieur d'Études (2014-2024), Xavier Raffoux Engineer (2003-2024), Aurélie Bourgais TR (2019-2024)Publications
- Boideau F., Huteau V., Maillet L., Brunet A., Coriton O., Deniot G., Trotoux G., Taburel-Lodé M., Eber F., Gilet M., Baron C., Boutte J., Richard G., Aury JM., Belser C., Labadie K., Morice J., Falentin C., Martin O., Falque M. , Chèvre AM., Rousseau-Gueutin M.. (2024) Alternating between even and odd ploidy levels switches on and off the recombination control, even near the centromeres. The Plant Cell, 10 (36) 4472-4490
- Falque M. , Bourgais A., Dumas F. , De Carvalho M., Diblasi C.. (2024) MiniRead: A simple and inexpensive do‐it‐yourself device for multiple analyses of micro‐organism growth kinetics. Yeast, yea.3932
- Chen X., Avia K., Forler A., Remoué C. , Venon A., Rousselet A., Lucas G., Kwarteng AO., Rover R., Le Guilloux M., Belcram H., Combes V., Corti H., Olverà-Vazquez S., Falque M. , Alins G., Kirisits T., Ursu TM., Roman A., Volk GM., Bazot S., Cornille A.. (2023) Ecological and evolutionary drivers of phenotypic and genetic variation in the European crabapple [ Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill.], a wild relative of the cultivated apple. Annals of Botany, 6 (131) 1025-1037
- Desbiez-Piat A., Ressayre A., Marchadier E., Noly A., Remoue C., Vitte C., Belcram H., Bourgais A., Galic N., Guilloux ML., Tenaillon MI., Dillmann C.. (2023) Pervasive GxE interactions shape adaptive trajectories and the exploration of the phenotypic space in artificial selection experiments. Genetics, (in press) 2023.01.13.523786
- Bina H., Yousefzadeh H., Venon A., Remoué C. , Rousselet A., Falque M. , Faramarzi S., Chen X., Samanchina J., Gill D., Kabaeva A., Giraud T., Hosseinpour B., Abdollahi H., Gabrielyan I., Nersesyan A., Cornille A.. (2022) Evidence of an additional centre of apple domestication in Iran, with contributions from the Caucasian crab apple Malus orientalis Uglitzk. to the cultivated apple gene pool. Molecular Ecology, 21 (31) 5581-5601
- Vidal A., Gauthier F., Rodrigez W., Guiglielmoni N., Leroux D., Chevrolier N., Jasson S., Tourrette E., Martin OC., Falque M. . (2022) SeSAM: software for automatic construction of order-robust linkage maps. BMC Bioinformatics, 1 (23) 499
- Olvera-Vazquez SG., Alhmedi A., Miñarro M., Shykoff JA., Marchadier E., Rousselet A., Remoué C. , Gardet R., Degrave A., Robert P., Chen X., Porchier J., Giraud T., Vander-Mijnsbrugee K., Raffoux X., Falque M. , Alins G., Didelot F., Beliën T., Dapena E., Lemarquand A., Cornille A.. (2021) Experimental test for local adaptation of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) to its host (Malus domestica) and to its climate in Europe. PCI Ecology, (Pre-registration version)
- Olvera-Vazquez SG., Remoué C. , Venon A., Rousselet A., Grandcolas O., Azrine M., Momont L., Galan M., Benoit L., David GM., Alhmedi A., Beliën T., Alins G., Franck P., Haddioui A., Jacobsen SK., Andreev R., Simon S., Sigsgaard L., Guibert E., Tournant L., Gazel F., Mody K., Khachtib Y., Roman A., Ursu TM., Zakharov IA., Belcram H., Harry M., Roth M., Simon JC., Oram S., Ricard JM., Agnello A., Beers EH., Engelman J., Balti I., Salhi-Hannachi A., Zhang H., Tu H., Mottet C., Barrès B., Degrave A., Razmjou J., Giraud T., Falque M. , Dapena E., Miñarro M., Jardillier L., Deschamps P., Jousselin E., Cornille A.. (2021) Large-scale geography survey provides insights into the colonization history of a major aphid pest on its cultivated apple host in Europe, North America and North Africa. Peer Community Journal, (1)
- Carrillo-Perdomo E., Vidal A., Kreplak J., Duborjal H., Leveugle M., Duarte J., Desmetz C., Deulvot C., Raffiot B., Marget P., Tayeh N., Pichon JP., Falque M. , Martin OC., Burstin J., Aubert G.. (2020) Development of new genetic resources for faba bean (Vicia faba L.) breeding through the discovery of gene-based SNP markers and the construction of a high-density consensus map. Sci Rep, 1 (10) 6790
- Courret C., Gérard PR., Ogereau D., Falque M. , Moreau L., Montchamp-Moreau C.. (2019) X-chromosome meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans: a QTL approach reveals the complex polygenic determinism of Paris drive suppression. Heredity, 6 (122) 906-915
- Fustier MA., Martínez-Ainsworth NE., Aguirre-Liguori JA., Venon A., Corti H., Rousselet A., Dumas F. , Dittberner H., Camarena MG., Grimanelli D., Ovaskainen O., Falque M. , Moreau L., Meaux J., Montes-Hernández S., Eguiarte LE., Vigouroux Y., Manicacci D., Tenaillon MI.. (2019) Common gardens in teosintes reveal the establishment of a syndrome of adaptation to altitude. PLOS Genetics, 12 (15) e1008512
- Kreplak J., Madoui MA., Cápal P., Novák P., Labadie K., Aubert G., Bayer PE., Gali KK., Syme RA., Main D., Klein A., Bérard A., Vrbová I., Fournier C., d’Agata L., Belser C., Berrabah W., Toegelová H., Milec Z., Vrána J., Lee HT., Kougbeadjo A., Térézol M., Huneau C., Turo CJ., Mohellibi N., Neumann P., Falque M. , Gallardo K., McGee R., Tar’an B., Bendahmane A., Aury JM., Batley J., Le Paslier MC., Ellis N., Warkentin TD., Coyne CJ., Salse J., Edwards D., Lichtenzveig J., Macas J., Doležel J., Wincker P., Burstin J.. (2019) A reference genome for pea provides insight into legume genome evolution. Nat Genet, 9 (51) 1411-1422
- Martinez Palacios P., Jacquemot MP., Tapie M., Rousselet A., Diop M., Remoué C. , Falque M. , Lloyd A., Jenczewski E., Lassalle G., Chévre AM., Lelandais C., Crespi M., Brabant P., Joets J., Alix K.. (2019) Assessing the Response of Small RNA Populations to Allopolyploidy Using Resynthesized Brassica napus Allotetraploids. Mol Biol Evol, 4 (36) 709-726
- Virlouvet L., El Hage F., Griveau Y., Jacquemot MP., Gineau E., Baldy A., Legay S., Horlow C., Combes V., Bauland C., Palafre C., Falque M. , Moreau L., Coursol S., Méchin V., Reymond M.. (2019) Water Deficit-Responsive QTLs for Cell Wall Degradability and Composition in Maize at Silage Stage. Front. Plant Sci., (10) 488
- Giraud H., Bauland C., Falque M. , Madur D., Combes V., Jamin P., Monteil C., Laborde J., Palaffre C., Gaillard A., Blanchard P., Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2017) Linkage Analysis and Association Mapping QTL Detection Models for Hybrids Between Multiparental Populations from Two Heterotic Groups: Application to Biomass Production in Maize (Zea mays L.). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, g3.300121.2017
- Giraud H., Bauland C., Falque M. , Madur D., Combes V., Jamin P., Monteil C., Laborde J., Palaffre C., Gaillard A., Blanchard P., Charcosset A., Moreau L.. (2017) Reciprocal Genetics: Identifying QTL for General and Specific Combining Abilities in Hybrids Between Multiparental Populations from Two Maize (Zea mays L.) Heterotic Groups. Genetics, 3 (207) 1167-1180
- Boutet G., Alves Carvalho S., Falque M. , Peterlongo P., Lhuillier E., Bouchez O., Lavaud C., Pilet-Nayel ML., Rivière N., Baranger A.. (2016) SNP discovery and genetic mapping using genotyping by sequencing of whole genome genomic DNA from a pea RIL population. BMC Genomics, (17)
- Durand E., Tenaillon MI., Raffoux X., Thépot S., Falque M. , Jamin P., Bourgais A., Ressayre A., Dillmann C.. (2015) Dearth of polymorphism associated with a sustained response to selection for flowering time in maize. BMC Evol Biol, 1 (15) 103
- Giraud H., Lehermeier C., Bauer E., Falque M. , Segura V., Bauland C., Camisan C., Campo L., Meyer N., Ranc N., Schipprack W., Flament P., Melchinger AE., Menz M., Moreno-Gonzalez J., Ouzunova M., Charcosset A., Schon CC., Moreau L.. (2014) Linkage disequilibrium with linkage analysis of multiline crosses reveals different multiallelic QTL for hybrid performance in the flint and dent heterotic groups of maize. Genetics, 4 (198) 1717-34
- Sarilar V., Martinez-Palacios P., Rousselet A., Ridel C., Falque M. , Eber F., Chevre AM., Joets J., Brabant P., Alix K.. (2013) Allopolyploidy has a moderate impact on restructuring at three contrasting transposable element insertion sites in resynthesized Brassica napus allotetraploids. The New phytologist, 2 (198) 593-604
- Ganal MW., Durstewitz G., Polley A., Bérard A., Buckler ES., Charcosset A., Clarke JD., Graner EM., Hansen M., Joets J., Le Paslier MC., McMullen MD., Montalent P., Rose M., Schön CC., Sun Q., Walter H., Martin OC., Falque M. , Lukens L.. (2011) A Large Maize (Zea mays L.) SNP Genotyping Array: Development and Germplasm Genotyping, and Genetic Mapping to Compare with the B73 Reference Genome. PLoS ONE, 12 (6) e28334
- Rousset M., Bonnin I., Remoue C., Falque M. , Rhone B., Veyrieras JB., Madur D., Murigneux A., Balfourier F., Le Gouis J., Santoni S., Goldringer I.. (2011) Deciphering the genetics of flowering time by an association study on candidate genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor Appl Genet, 6 (123) 907-26
- Virlouvet L., Jacquemot MP., Gerentes D., Corti H., Bouton S., Gilard F., Valot B., Trouverie J., Tcherkez G., Falque M. , Damerval C., Rogowsky P., Perez P., Noctor G., Zivy M., Coursol S.. (2011) The ZmASR1 protein influences branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis and maintains kernel yield in maize under water-limited conditions. Plant physiology, 2 (157) 917-36